Monday, September 15, 2014

mean girls

here's the thing.
no one likes a mean girl. 
(unless we're talking about the movie which has, in my opinion, some of the best one liners. is butter a carb?)

but in real life?

no one likes a mean girl.

the older i get, the more i realize that no matter what age you are. there will always be the mean girl. and i hate it.

i hate it so much because there's this better alternative.
being nice.

i think the internet has a big role to play here.
we're a generation used to typing away our thoughts (good or bad) and hitting send.
whether it's a keyboard, or a cell phone, we tend to hide behind that screen.

and i just can't help but wonder why?

i've encountered one of these mean girls, and just recently. and everything said and done just reminded me of high school. all. over. again.

and it hurt.

the words said hurt my feelings. they weren't necessary. and they didn't have any weight, other than to tear me down.

so let's try something new. let's be kind humans. instead of expressing our opinion in an "i'm better than you" attitude, let's just be nice.

because when you're nice. people remember you.
but when you're mean. people really, really, really remember you.

proverbs 16:24


  1. I love you, & yes, in the real world mean girls are not cool. Also now I just want to watch Bring It On and say every single line.
