Monday, September 1, 2014

hello september

is it just me or is it crazy pants to anyone else that it's SEPTEMBER?

one of the greatest months of the year because football starts.

go browns. 

and with a new month, comes new goals. 
because i love goals. even when i don't stick to them. 

#1. book a wedding
i have some seriously wonderful brides inquiring with me. 

#2. find a church
we haven't found a church in orlando yet. such a big decision to make. 

#3. loose 5 pounds
remember when i wrote about loving all the food and not caring about what i look like. i lied. 

#4. read through Jeremiah
for some reason this book has been on my brain lately.

a short list. but a list of goals. i'm excited for september because there's so much newness going on. summer is on the way out, ok well not totally in florida. but fall is here. and that makes me happy. 

here's to a great september. 

1 comment:

  1. #3. "I lied." I second this whole heartedly. Love chuu. Cheers to lots of adventures this month.
