Monday, October 27, 2014

life lately.

hi friends!
ok so yes. i've done a terrible job at the #write31. at first i was all worked up about it. because honestly, i wasn't into it. i thought the whole football thing would be awesome. but every time i sat down to write after the first day it felt like a chore.
so i stopped.

and now i'm giving my self some grace and saying it's ok.
because it really is.

life has been a roller coaster lately.
turns out, i pulled a huge muscle in my back and have to get physical therapy for it. so i've been moving around like a 90 year old woman lately. i have been thanking Jesus for giving me the husband He did because i have no idea what i would be doing without him. thanks hubby.
i've had some serious stuff go down with my business lately that has wrecked me. i've felt the enemy knocking on my door with a hammer lately. getting louder and louder every day.

but God.

but God has so much planned for me.
but God has me in His arms.
but God has heard my prayers.
but God is bigger and greater than any of my circumstances.

this past weekend, despite this back pain, i hopped in the car and drove to tampa to join my mom for a joyce meyers conference. who, if you've never seen i highly recommend. she's awesome. and so funny.

anyways. it filled me up. God met me right where i was. met me and even took me further. He met me and wrapped me up in His arms and told me over and over again that everything is going to be ok. because it really is going to be.

God is good, ya'll.
really, really good.

i'm not sure if you've been having a rough couple of weeks like i have. but rest in the fact that God is working. really hard in our lives. for our good.

even when we can't feel it or see it.
God is working.

"[Not in your own strength] for it is God Who is all the while [a]effectually at work in you [energizing and creating in you the power and desire], both to will and to work for His good pleasure andsatisfaction and [b]delight."
Philippians 2:13 AMP