Monday, October 6, 2014

day three: fantasy football

if you're paying attention, you'll notice that i've skipped two days. it happens. the weekends are hard.

my favorite part of football season.
fantasy football.

i'm even afraid to type this out right now because it might jinx me. but i have a really good fantasy team this year.

for those of you rolling your eyes over these two words, promise me you'll read this whole post. because i promise you. if you gave fantasy football a chance. you'd love it.

i get that it comes off like that annoying thing someone you know does. maybe they spend way too much time during the week "setting their line up". or come sunday morning, have a panic attack because their "starting running back is officially not playing". it also might be the reason why they're attached to the tv sunday from 1pm to almost midnight. and let us not forget about thursday night and monday night.

for those of us with teams that may or may not want to make us enter a psych ward after each week (but really, GO BROWNS), fantasy football may be our way of cooping with a not so good team.

because here's the whole point to fantasy football:
you get to pick your team.

and here's how it works.

every year ten (or so) friends get together and decided to make a league. there's a commissioner, just like in the nfl. except, the commissioner of the fantasy league isn't a butt head like this guy.
everyone gets their own team, and needs to come up with a catchy name. because no one. and i repeat, no one. likes a boring fantasy football name.
and here's a suggestion. make it something everyone gets. inside jokes with yourself don't translate well.

there's a draft. in which, just like the nfl. you get to pick players to be on your team.
not every fantasy team is set up the same. some play with two quarter backs, some play with just one. some only have you play with an offense (running backs, wide receivers) some, have you play with an offense and a defense.

generally speaking, here's what a fantasy team looks like:
(that third WR position is a flex position. meaning, you can have either a WR or RB or TE)
also. no this is not my fantasy team.

here are five tips for fantasy football:
#1. pay attention to bye weeks (the week they don't play). if you've got a qb and wr on the same team, you're in trouble for their bye week
#2. get on the waver wire's monday (the waver wire is where all the players who didn't get drafted hang out for you to pick up during the season)
#3. give people a chance. don't drop someone after one bad week. check their stats. see what's up next for them. 
#4. SET YOUR LINE UP. nothing gives away a newbie or someone who isn't into the league more than a line up not set.
#5. do some research before the draft to know who to pick. or. maybe just pick them based on looks because i kid you not, i know someone who did it, and is actually doing well in their league. 

and by now, who's on my fantasy football team. 
take note. i don't play in a "normal" fantasy league. on top of an offense, we play with a defense. a kicker, the whole defense. and also. two quarter backs. it's intense. but it's awesome. 

h. smith Min-S                6.10                10.50

the numbers in blue to the right are the actual points they scored me.
this was my week this week in fantasy.

if you've never joined a league. get on it next season. it's fun. and also. 

most importantly about a fantasy football league. 

bragging rights. 

the ability, for the entire off season to tout off about how awesome your team was. the ability to remind everyone that you kicked their butt. 

the ability to be the champion. 

here's to fantasy football. 

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