Tuesday, September 30, 2014

31 days of football

since i started this blog i've done a terrible job of blogging. once, maybe twice a week. and so i figured. to get back on this horse i've been chasing, i'll start with the 31 days of blogging with the nester.

if you've never done this before. it's quite simple. and really fun. 
you pick a topic, and blog about it for 31 days (the whole month of october). 

you can pick any topic. 

ok maybe not any topic. but one that's appropriate to talk about for 31 days. 

i've done it before, and it's a really great way to get writing every day. 
because hello. i was an english major. let's not forget that. 

i knew i wanted to join in this year but just couldn't find a topic that yelled, "pick me! pick me!"
and so, as i sat watching football this sunday. it was like a lightbulb went off. 

welcome to, 31 days of football. 

i'm pretty pumped about this. 

here's somethings you should know going into this.

#1. i am from cleveland, ohio. so all my references may or may not have to do with either a) the cleveland browns or b) the ohio state buckeyes
#2. meaning, i don't ever combine the colors yellow and black or blue and yellow (if you don't get this reference you will later on)
#3. i'm no expert on football, but my daddy has taught me a lot

during the next 31 days, we'll go over everything from rules, to coaches, to players, to the draft, to how i really feel about cheerleaders in the nfl.

if you're a football lover like me, you'll appreciate the days when i talk about players, and stats, and fantasy football. 
if you've never watched the game and only think football is that barbaric game when men hit each other, you'll appreciate the rules day. and hopefully by the end of these 31 days will be the newest browns and buckeye fan. 
or your team of choice, but a girl can dream.

so! here's to 31 days of football. 

yes, that's duke. in a buckeye jersey.


  1. haha YES to number 2 -- we had some kid plates and there was a blue and yellow that always ended up next to each other, I threw the blue one in the trash

    except it's called MAIZE AND BLUE.
    get yo terminology straight! ;]
